SÜPR 17 Promotion!



SÜPRMARKT is running a special promotion to give a healthy start to your new year!

The first 17 people to sign up for our 1 month sübscription get:
•  4 Boxes of Produce
•  1 Bulk Item: Nuts, Coconut Oil, or Dates
•  Special Gift(s) from local artisans including: My Tea TherapyThe Afro Mystic, and Sahaja Essentials, and more!

Your business helps:
•  Increase your own health.
•  Increase the health of others by ensuring their access to affordable organics.
•  Pave the way to a brick and mortar organic grocery.
•  Spark the growth of other sustainable businesses.
•  Increase outreach, events, giveaways, produce selection, and stands in the community.

Sign Up Here